Head Artist: CJ: @cjafterdark2Dママ: Omochi: Twitter Twitch3D Modeller: @tonxski

「Name: Chickzama/Victoria」
「Age: 27」
「Birthdate: Nov. 12th」
「Nickname: Ojou-sama/Chick」
「Occupation: Psychic/Exorcist」
「Abilities: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Precognition, Retrocognition, Psychometry」「A human who possesses the gift. The paranormal ability to see and speak to ghosts.」
「Has always possessed a moderate level of The Gift since childhood, powers were amplified after meeting the spirit (and now, her pet snake) Phis. 」
「With the loss of her human left eye, it is now red and snake-like, and the patch is a gift from Phis, used as a limiter for her now-amplified psychic ability.」
「She tries to live a mostly normal life, but she can't ignore the cries, pleas (and sometimes) the chaos caused by spirits.」
World Setting
「A realm where the dead can and will interfere in the daily life of the living.」
「Psychic ability is refered to as The Gift」
「There are very few with this ability.」
「Spirits do not belong between this plane and the next. For most: By staying inbetween, they slowly lose their sense of self, becoming insane and berserk wreaking havoc indiscriminately.」

Upon the desk and see
The blueprints of me,
Hair as black as night,
And of average height,
Brittle be my bones,
As they moan and groan,
My eyes double bagged,
Reactions lagged,
And looks worn and ragged.
Upon the desk and see
A series of imperfections,
A portrait of me.

A Marriage Proposal, To Death
Cease my heart, paramour!
Contort my nerves!
And leave no breath of air for these anguished lungs.Let me feel mortality, let me feel my FLAWS!
Arise my sins, it is time for retribution.
Show me nightmares that no man could ever HOPE fathom.
Fill my heart with dread and ensnare me to the darkest depths.
Adorn me in my finest clothes and ornate me with diamonds. me every reason...for my obsession of you.
Damage me, Despise me, Enthrall me.
O beloved Thanatos! Kiss me one final time before I afloat the River Styx.
My screams shall be your song and you shall have my hand.
Your silver chalice overflows with my blood.

The summer wasn't meant to last
or was it all just a dream to pass?
Even though it brings misery,
I'll snip and press the flowers
so I won’t forget these fleeting memories.
To what was,
and what may be,
all these feelings I'll put under lock and key
and maybe,
one day,
I'll find my way back to you.
Open the book
"Once upon a time"
has yet been mine.
Coming soon!
If you are reading this, then know I will already be gone...
I'll try to leave behind clues, I can't say how, but you'll know it'll be me...
I've been trying to tell you the truth...the truth of everything and everyone.
I can't say it is always listening...
Don't trust what you "see".
Trust yourself, I believe in you...that you'll be able to see this through.